I'm In Lesbians With You

I don't have anything against lesbians, gays, metrosexuals or dendrophiliacs. If you feel like your sexual urges can only be turned on by lighting kittens on fire with a gas oven, go for it. It's not my business. What I do have something against, are the ones who need to shove the fact into my face with a fifty pound shovel only to force feed me their shitty attitude afterwards. Go to hell, and burn with the intensity of the nuke that obliterated Hiroshima. Preferably those of you who match the previous description... In fact it goes for all of the shitfaces around the world, but I'm digressing.

The reason for my outburst is this.

I was sitting on the bus the other day, having two young lovebirds making out in front of me, like there seriously wasn't going to be a tomorrow. It struck me after staring for a few seconds that they were in fact dykes. (One of them looking strikingly male from a certain angle). "Oh well" I thought to myself and turned my head to look out the window, when all of a sudden the militant one shouted at me.

Militant : "Hey!"
Me: *Looking at her somewhat bewildered*
Militant: "Do you think you can just ignore us and we'll go away?!"
(Mind you, she wasn't just shouting to me, she was yelling uncomfortably loud)
Me: "Eh... Whu..Wha?"
Militant: "Is it so disgusting for you to watch two girls in love? You're a fucking pig! Fucking bigot!"
(At this point, the entire bus is staring at me, making me feel like a twat)
Me: "Excuse me?"
Militant: "We're LESBIANS!! We have the same rights to be together as everyone else! Don't you fucking judge us"
(I'm starting to realize she's venting frustration at me, so I diligently ignore her)
Militant: "Don't you fucking turn your head and ignore us!"

This went on for a painful ten minutes until I got off at my stop. This was the part where I got torn into pondering about the two very confusing "Rules" one has to follow around homosexuals. (I made these rules up by myself. They're not official but I feel that they portray my situation well, if you have any objections you can go fuck yourself)

1. You can't judge them, therefore you have to treat them as any normal couple and not stare, or make any kind of fuss out of it.
     -This was my approach on the bus. I can't help but to feel something inside me writhe every time I see two dudes or dudettes making out, but I keep telling myself that people are allowed to make their own choices, and I'm not going to be the one judging them for it.

2. You can't directly include them into your worldly picture, and smile while staring at them thinking "Oh, what grand thing love is", because some will take it as you being the male pig you are fantasizing about them naked and swirling around your cock, while others will automatically read your thoughts thinking you're condemning them into eternal oblivion.
     -This was not my approach, as I am neither a male pig or one who judges other based on their sexuality.

Thinking back, I could've said a lot of things. I have a rather fine mastery of words and know how to make others feel useless and not wanted on this planet, but I absconded from this, choosing to be the silent schmuck.

With all said and done, I feel that the general straight populace is backed into a corner. It's like with black people, always pulling the race card. "Hey, you looked the other way when I entered the room... RACIST!". I can't help but feel it's the same with some homosexuals. They always have to pull the drama card and leave you either standing there not knowing what to say and what to do, or in the case of you responding to their idiocy, a bigot. It's very confusing being around you people, because one never knows when we're about to step on a land mine.

I know some would say, "Just treat us as any other human". Sure, I can do that... But it only works if you don't feel the need to absolve yourself of your gay shame by random verbal assaults on strangers on a bus. It's a two way road, and nothing good will happen if you force one part to walk it alone then yell at them half-way.

Don't get me wrong (or get me wrong if you're a bitch wanting to discuss by throwing meaningless words at me), I've got gay friends and I have nothing against them. Mainly because their sexuality is a thing no one cares about, and they don't feel the need to flaunt it or shove any shitty attitude down my throat, but also because they don't walk around feeling the need to have a speech prepared in case someone questions their choices (or just randomly looks their way).... (Or ignores them)...

I'm out of steam.

Fuck militant lesbians who feel so ashamed by their choices that they have a speech ready that would be honed by Hitler, to engage any and all naysayers. 

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Arguing on the internet like a troll is like competing in the special Olympic. You might win, but you're still a retard.