Politics, or Just a Game About Who Get's To Assfuck Us This Time Around

I would like to think, that most people have an opinion about how to run a country, or how to balance the ecomonical situation once and for all. If, and when you do enter a discussion about politics, economy or immigration, or about any political figure, you always get that guy who keeps wanting to tell you how he would run the country if he could, as if it'd be an easy task like stealing the hymen from a virgin. I mayhaps confess that I tend to be that guy, but bear with me for awhile.

Or as a famous guy once said "Stay awhile, and listen" (10 points for getting the reference)

It's not that I care much for politics. I'm only 28 (Soonish), and I've already given up on that whole scene, seeing as the world keeps tumbling down to shitville no matter who's behind the wheel. What I do care for, is voting, so that I can buy myself the right to discuss politics with equal and/or lesser minds, if only to entertain myself with their laughable comments and morals. Why? Because it's my Thor-given right that's why. It is one of the first things I ask when someone wants to enter a discussion about the aforementioned topics... "Have you voted?" If he answers yes, we engage in a battle of epic verbal assault (At least that's how I go at it). If he answers no, I immediately beat the person down with a pre-meditated lecture about how god-damn petty it is to have something to say about society when said person won't even try to do something about it by voting. Not that voting really matters, because politics is all about the lies.

Let me elaborate.

It strikes me, that the world in general seems surprised when a politician doesn't keep his word. Like, was that something you expected? Since when did politicians actually do what they said they would do? Here in Norway, we call it "Valgflesk" when a political figure starts handing out promises to the people. (The word has no real meaning when translated, so here's a faximile; Voters Bacon). Valgflesk is the part of the campaign, when the political party sees and understands that if they want to win, they need to give the people some bacon, and so begins the list of things they will fix to ensure that the country will run smoother and better than before, and every time, I shake my head and realize it's all been said and done before. I don't know what I would do if given the opportunity, but to lie, if only to gather votes... Why, why would someone do that? It's not like they can hide their true intentions for too long now is there? Why not just step up and say the truth? .... Oh, right...

"Dear population of country X. We have no idea how things got this fucked up in the first place. We have no real plan to fix it, because it's been damaged beyond the point of repair. The only solution is total anarchy and a complete rebuild of our social and economical structure."

That's why we don't hear the truth.

It's easy to point fingers. And it's easier still to have an opinion, but truth of the matter is, we can't really say for sure when the world started on it's downward spiral. In I know one thing for certain, it's that we're all getting royally fucked without being given a reach-around in the end. Just look at Egypt. The guy who got voted for president was all like "Hell yeah I'ma put some change in this shit", and now he's all like "Bitch, that was just some bacon for the masses". To avoid being raped by politics, you need at least 1/3 of your countrys population to be equally dissatisfied with the current leader, and you need to gather, all in one place and LOOSE, YOUR, FUCKING, MIND over that shit. Riots baby, I'm talking about riots.

So, what can we do about it? Except riots, and bombs and shit...

Even better, should we do something about it?

I've had plenty of time to think about this shit, and I've come to the conclusion, I couldn't give less of a fuck about politics. I will vote, for the party I find humor me the most, but beyond that, I won't even try to wrap my head around that cockcicle. Yeah, I can hate the taxes, the immigration politics, even the prime minister/president and all his/her accomplices, but I just can't get myself to care enough to voice my opinion about it. I rant about it here, but that can hardly count as an active participation in the whole shit... Or can it?

Is this my first step into a anti-political downcurve... Where all my blogposts will end up being about political stuff and shit AW HELL NO!!

Don't you worry my dear cuntfaces (I say that with love, because I love cunts, they're like the most beautiful flowers out there, and calling you a cuntface is my way of saying you're beautiful... And that your breath smells like stale shrimps.) I won't go there.

Now I remember I was supposed to blog about the battle of the sexes... I forgot that. Maybe next time.

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Arguing on the internet like a troll is like competing in the special Olympic. You might win, but you're still a retard.