Surveillance? Why Would Anyone Wanna Watch Me Jerk Off?

So, I haven't been updating as much as I'd like. I've been knee-deep in work and sleep, but here we go.

I've been keeping a small tab on all this surveillance shit going on, and I can't really say that I'm surprised. Human nature is simple; "If I don't get caught, I'm allowed to do whatever." People can say what they want, but I'd like to hear someone explain their way out of this question :

If you could kill/hurt anyone or steal/destroy anything, without ever getting caught
or suffer any consequences; would you do it? 

Sure, there are a lot of people who'd swear on their left arm and soul that they'd never do anything like that, but I don't believe them, at all. It's not that I believe that everyone is as deranged and damaged as I am, but human nature is based on egocentrism and survival of the fittest. It's the rules around us that keep everything from falling apart in an instance, and a clausule within these rules is the unwritten one that you should expect to be watched and monitored, always. 

Why would people worry? If you don't have anything to hide, why the fuck would you complain? Is it really that bad that the FBI, CIA or "Insert sly abbreviation here" is watching your every move? Watching you masturbate to donkey porn, or knowing what brand you prefer? Yeah, sure, we can all raise our fists and hate on Big Brother, but do you really think you'd be making a difference? No? Well, then stop your nagging, because it's giving me a fucking headache. 

Yeah yeah, it's terrible and all that. They know our every movement, our every crime, but fucking hell, won't it also make us safer? I for one, don't really mind them knowing who are liable to do something fucked up, so that they can be stopped before the literalt shit hits the literal fan. This whole, surveillance business, makes me feel like someone actually cares enough about my petty life to make sure that everyone else behaves like real people, me included of course, but what the hell. Besides my weird porno fetishes there's not really anything I feel the need to hide.

So, now I've surely stepped on some toes. I bet there's enough people disagreeing with me to make a believable montage re-living the moment where Scar threw Mufasa off the cliff. Me being Mufasa, anyone disagreeing the stampeding hoard of whatever that was making him into a pile off flat shit. I'm not sure who or what Scar would represent, but fuck that, he's ruining everything as usual. 


What will total surveillance do to our society? 

It will weed out criminals (Bang up job so far...), it will improve commercials, it will help google find that special porn only you watch, and it'll do... well... It'll keep tabs on our secrets, it'll scare us from doing anything illegal, and so on. 

As it stands now, the laws aren't really something we're scared of. It's not a crime to watch legal porn,  discuss politics, disagree on laws or anything like that. There's nothing to be afraid of, because our laws ar somewhat fair, except to those of you who download shit illegaly, you guys are fucked, but that's ok because you're scum anyways. 

Total surveillance is not something we should fight, unless the laws change around them, and we're forced to live like silent sheep. We might be on our way there, but for now I'm not really that concerned, and neither should you be. The moment laws change for the worse, you should start panicking. 

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