Change, First Skill - Children's Book - Part 2

A-alright... Time for my update. Well, I can confess, that yesterday brought a production level of -nil-. But, on the other hand, I've gotten a fresh start today.

Let's run through my concepts, with some minor detail add-on.

-Little sun, and little moon helps a star.
So, basically, this is the allrounder. This book will catch the attention of both parents and children, so I've got good hopes for this one. The sun and the moon are sisters, who solve "crimes" or "puzzles" or whatever, helping other stars, planets and random nebulae to find whatever it is they're missing. In this case, a star has lost it's shining powers, so they're off to find it a new one.

-The Pantogryff gets lost.
This was my attempt at coming up with a new kind of fantastical animal, the Pantogryff.  To me, it sounds like an elephant with wings, like a crossing of elephants and hippogriffs. I don't know yet, but I'm getting closer. Anywho, it gets lost and can't find its way home, so I'm thinking that the kid is going to have to open little windows on each page to help the Pantogryff find a path.

-An Owl Knight has lost his sword
This one is my favorite. It's about a little knight, so small in fact, that him and his kind can ride owls. The knight was out scouting for food, coming home, only to find out he lost his sword. Now, the sword for Owl Knights is really important, because it is a position you inherit from the last Knight, who then gives you his sword. Without the sword, that specific Knight position will be lost... Or something.... Oh, shut up, I'm getting there...

-A Zombie can't find mom and dad
The most controversial one. I was thinking to appeal to the Goth parents around the world, with a zombie kid who gets lost and can't find his parents. I have not decided whether they should be alive and hiding from him, or dead and just walking around mindlessly.

-A Music Box travels the world
This was a lame idea, but it just dropped in my head somehow. Not quite sure how to work it, but it's a music box that travels with random people around the world, seeing strange stuff and... yeah... something moral, or exiting... I don't know...

-An Elf is looking for a heart of gold
So, this is by far the most exiting one. I've got my head to the brim with ideas, in fact so full I don't know which one to use. One is that it's a kid who got kidnapped at birth and is now guarded by a dragon, another is that the elf wanders around society, finding a poor kid with the heart... There are so many choices...

So, as you can see I've gotten around the block with ideas. There are only six, because I scrapped the last one, let's leave it at that. I've also wondered if I shouldn't just make all of these children's books, and call the collection "Wonderful Dreams" or something. Haven't decided. But, as for now I have to choose one... and it's hard.

Anyone want to help me choose?

2 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. I've had people say that! But I'm curious as to whether people would buy it??

      For now I've settled on the elf thingie, but if more people ask for the zombie one I'll get to writing it


Arguing on the internet like a troll is like competing in the special Olympic. You might win, but you're still a retard.