fredag 31. mai 2013


Hello world!

This joining may come as a mild shock(the small static kind..) to the few people who can actually figure out who I am(anyone who knows me).
Considering how vocal I have been about my opinion about blogs, why on earth am I now writing a post on a blog?

Because I can...
Honestly though, I need the exposure of having more people than myself reading what I write.
So I figure this is as good a place as any to start.

Now, the reason for me being here under a pseudonym instead of my real name.
Is because I unlike the creator of this blog, do not want my words to pop up whenever my real name is googled.(Hi mom!)
It is not because I do not stand by the words I put down, it's merely because I am very secretive about my words.
Which again is quite weird when you consider the fact that I am a person who writes alot, and by alot I mean more than a 14 year old girl on facebook.
(See, I can also use funny real life relations to prove my points!)
Of course, the people I know might post my name on this blog just because they would find it hilarious to work against me.
But I like being naive so I'm counting on their discretion, counting on that they will just try to enjoy what I write instead of trying to destroy.
Some people might say that I'm taking this a bit to seriously, that not enough people read this blog for it to matter.
For everyone who smirks and thinks like that I have this to say:
Remember that you were a kid once, you grew up to be alot bigger than what you started out as.

Now a small notion of what I bring to this dysfunctional table filled with plague food and poisonous drinks.
I have alot of opinions, about all kinds of different things. I have a way of spewing out words through my fingers.
Combine these two things and I might have alot of things to put my perspective on.
Be warned though, my perspective can at times be very narrow minded and not allow a whole lot of room for interpretations.
I am mean spirited at times, I do go off on people just because I like to provoke a reaction
When people are reacting to the subtle things I do and say, I find enjoyment in this.
Call me a manipulative bastard if you will, and you would be quite correct in your assumption.
So this might become an interesting read or it could just be a very annoying thing to scroll through.

Now the creator of this blog decided he wanted to announce me before I wrote my introduction post.
So that kind of killed the suspense of my introduction, so fuck you very much you limp dick motherfucker.

A few things on his introduction of me:
Your shit did not get popular, I just don't have anything better to do.(Besides, you never could shut up about your damn blog...)
Unlike your shit, my shit is actually quite intelligent. I don't even have to flush anymore, they just swim down the pipe on their own accord.
I can't knock on the meatboy, since it's just removing a letter and adding boy to the name I already picked out for myself.
(I see where you get the creativity for your posts...)
To sum that introduction up:
I'm not your bitch, bitch...

2 kommentarer:

  1. Retaliatory, get your english straight. There shall be no mentioning of names, and obvious attempts to reveal it will only ruin his anonimity. Obviously I'll delete any and all revealed names, even if I have to screen any and all comments.



Arguing on the internet like a troll is like competing in the special Olympic. You might win, but you're still a retard.