mandag 4. mars 2013
School? Who is This School You Mention
Five day vacation on a forlorn cabin in the middle of nowhere?
Survive the incredible amounts of Gay (No seriously. You'd be surprised)
Survive the hopeless amounts of alcohol and my first time on a snowmobile?
Drive for six hours in a car doused in gasoline giving you a mind blowing headache, an insane dizziness I compare with my 17th birthday hangover, while at the same time severely damaging your ability to think straight and not exactly empowering your ability to drive in a straight line, and survive?
Go through my packed bag to see if I forgot anything?
Curse the sightless Gods when I found out I forgot a pair of socks
Remember to read and prepare for the exams at the end of this semester?
... Fuck
So, I survived my five days with the YMCA, I didn't get lost on a mountain somewhere, I didn't kill myself with a snowmobile (Or anyone else for that matter), I managed to not puke despite the amount of alcohol I've consumed, but for the love of Cthulhu I can't make myself remember to read the fucking books on my reading list.
I've got an exam in three months, but I'm still lagging behind like a one-eyed lame midget during the Jewish exodus. Basically, I'm fucked. Still, here I am writing a blog about it, even though I should be banging my head against the wall trying to memorize the information pertaining to the shit I need to learn. I guess I'm having a third degree mind fart which is seriously jeopardizing any and all opportunities I might have of ever having a job that would actually excite me.
It's not that I don't care, it's just that I'm having trouble convincing the rest of my brain to care. It's like there's a small forgotten chamber at the back of my head that is constantly trying to remind me of the fact that I've got shit to do and books to read, while the rest of my brain is a gathering of redneck braincells fucking their neighbors while shooting of random electric signals around my body making me do anything but study. I'm afraid that if this goes on I'm going to end up with a serious case of jobless sometime in the future.
We're all constantly reminded of the fact that if we don't make anything of ourselves we're bound to straggle at the back of the line while trying to beg a few quarters off strangers. The smart part of my brain knows this, but it's having a damned hard time trying to relay this information to the rest of the party. I solemnly refuse to be a part of those who make no contributions to this world of ours, so I should really get a moving if I'm to do anything about it. Yes, I know this blog isn't helping but you can go suck an exhaust pipe for all I care if you're not entertained.
So, is this really a problem?
It really isn't, I'm just insanely lazy and convinced that my intellect will handle things eventually. It's like my back-up plan is hoping that my brain has got a hidden storage filled with everything I'll ever need to know that will be magically unlocked when the day is due.
It's not the first time I hear about this. It's like there's a collective sentiment towards studying amongst the people I know that reminds me of Hitlers' hatred against Jews. The only exception being my lovely girl who's doing her very best at studying (which in turn reminds me of my cruel inefficiency). It's not that we consider studying something that needs to be abolished by law, just something that takes up to much of our time. We've got other important shit to do, like watching TV, loitering, procrastinate, drink coffee while discussing the blend, pout our lips while looking for impurities and wrinkles... Well, the wrinkle and impurity part you can ignore, but still, you get where I'm going at.
I have no idea where I'm going with this. Somewhere along the lines of "I'm fucking lazy and I hate school".
I should read.
Like now...
Or now..
I hate school.
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Arguing on the internet like a troll is like competing in the special Olympic. You might win, but you're still a retard.